Since Jen's blog won't let me post comments and sometimes I greatly desire to leave one, I will try leaving them on my own blog.
Jen's daughter recently discovered Elmo.
I ADORE Elmo. You've got to listen to him, he definitely has a sense of humor. Just go ahead and sit through an entire Dora the Explorer before you find yourself annoyed by Elmo. Elmo is hilarious in comparison to some of the shows Abby has forced me through. He has character, he has personality, he has wit. He can hold his own with celebrities and usually is much more awesome than them (yes not a big accomplishment, I know), still. TRUST me. Enjoy Elmo. Elmo is wonderful.
My only complaint about Elmo was that on his wall he had a picture of his parents and they had three legs or something confusing like that. Drove me crazy. I think it was supposed to be a tail and if he'd drawn it short it would have been confused for a potty function perhaps. I dunno, but I didn't like that.
I kid you not, I miss Elmo. And I don't think Jen was naive at all to think her daughter wouldn't fall for the marketing... I just wanted to put in a defense of Elmo, because he's great.
List of shows with no heart, no character, or otherwise infiniti plus one worse than Elmo:
Dora the Explorer/Diego
My Little Pony
Disney Princess Stories
Heck, even Thomas (don't ever show this post to Wesley) is a dud compared to Elmo
Don't even get me started. My heart melts for Elmo. He totally embodies sweetness. He's not just a talking mouth; it's like he's a real being.
Did you see the Oprah with the guy who does Elmo on there? He seemed just as sweet.
Yeah - totally. I think it important to note I am not intentionally ganging up on Jen and judging her opinions! However, I do think that there are shows that show his personality and shows that don't... and he's great...
Ok, you crack me up. I don't take this as a ganging up on me sort of thing, more like a warning of enjoy this while it lasts because something much more obnoxious and annoying is out there waiting for me. Heh heh. ; ) And there IS this adorable thing he does in the one video we've seen, where he asks babies to put on a jacket, a hat, or a shoe and when they just drool on it, he cheerfully says, "Thank you, BABY!" and it just makes me giggle. So.....I'll work on embracing my inner Elmo.
Aw, Jen. I've never seen that video, but it sounds so cute!
What kind of a Godmother are you? Disparaging Thomas the Tank Engine. Well, at least each story has a decent message rather than out-and-out brain rot. And it is slower paced, but isn't that a good thing? And by the way - your precious Elmo's World has ruined "Jingle Bells" for children everywhere. That being said, Julia adores Elmo. Maybe its a girl thing. I do agree with you on the other shows, however.
I know, I know - thats why I said don't SHOW him. And decent messages?! Thomas is WW2 English propaganda where the only virtue is usefulness! But it IS definitely a ton better than other shows, I swear... its just... er hmmm... I'll stop now.
Wow. Where did you get that from? I realize that all shows and books are certainly products of the era they were born of, but I have never thought of Thomas as promoting one single virtue. I can think of quite a few episodes that had nothing to do with usefulness. Couldn't that same "propaganda" word be thrown out there of any show or book?
Sure, well a) I don't think propaganda labels it awful! b) I think the timing paired with the highest compliment that can be paid being "you're a very useful engine" is interesting.
All this said, I think I will be fonder of Thomas as a character with a boy to watch it with. Thomas gave and still gives Abby much joy. But purely on charisma I'd still go for Elmo.
Elmo is delightful, but though Thomas may be a tad one dimensional and not particularly exciting, he is endearing in his own way. Besides, he is blue! How cool is that?
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