This is what Steve said to me at about 3am the night before last.
And yes, I'd have to agree... that is indeed the problem we are facing. Considering Jack would only sleep for about five minutes (not quite long enough for us to catch a catnap) at a time that night, I consider this statement of the problem rather brilliant. I'm impressed he could put two words together at all.
However... the problem has now been solved.
Jack, you see, only does this with me.
SO now it is Steve's duty to get up if Jack awakes during a non-feeding time. It happened twice I think last night as opposed to the forty times the night before. And Steve had him settled back down within three minutes... or at least thats what it seemed like to me who got to literally push Steve toward the door and then go back to sleep.
I haven't asked yet to verify that because Steve is still asleep.
BUT, do not judge me too harshly- taking a page out of Steve's book, I have taken over the morning shift and my mom may not believe this, but I got up cheerfully... after all I got ... like... multiple hours of sleep last night for the first time in four days.
I still haven't found Jack a shirt, but I'm one happy camper. (well with this... there are other issues to be discussed)
8 months ago