I don't WANT a clever ending, I want a satisfying ending. I will give you many many extra dollars by taking other people to a movie with a satisfying ending and buying your movie and renting your movie just to show support. Stop with the clever. You'll never be totally original. Just be good and stop catering to the people who just want a cheap thrill of something different. Shock is fleeting. Satisfaction... why look at that... satisfaction lasts and gets you more money!
(Departed, though I have my issues with the 'surprise death,' still had a satisfying ending.)
9 months ago
Ok, I'll give you the departed.
For the mostpart, I must admit I don't want the predictable ending.
I like the twists, which tend to immitate life more appropriately.
Do they get back together in the end? Do they fall in love in the end? Do they all find each other and live happily ever after? NO???!!!
Here's my money! (And I won't even slip you my expired student ID.)
Did I miss something? What specifically are you talking about? diane
Now I'm dying to know - what movie inspired your mini-rant? I'm with you on it. I don't like the "I'm-so-cool-I'm-going-to-completely-change-the-movie-you-thought-you-were-watching,-that's-just-how-artsy-fartsy-I-am" way of making films. I want the hero to win, I want the boy and girl to get together and be happy, I want good to triumph over evil. There's enough suck in life - I don't need to see it in my movies.
Crud. That cut off part of my quote. I think that line should have read:
I don't like the "I'm so cool, I'm going to completely change the movie you thought you were watching, that's just how artsy-fartsy I am" way of making films.
Exactly (well, except for Julie who I staunchly and bitterly disagree with ;) ). I just didn't want to spoil anyone - Pirates 3 is what I'm talking about.
I actually think it will be a clever fun movie, but if I hadn't be prepared, I would have been PISSSSSED.
Oh, good. That Kiera Knightley was all wrong for him.
You know, I'm just not excited about Pirates 3 at all, and now I'm possibly even less so. It just sounds like it's more of the same bombast and noise and not much fun of Pirates 2, and that's a bummer. I LOVED the first movie, as you well know, so it's a bitter disappointment that the follow-ups haven't been nearly as good. Kind of like The Matrix.
Steve has many many theories about what in the world went wrong with the Matrix.
Well Lori, I have some good news - through snooping through spoilers etc there IS the happily ever after I wanted, it's just incredibly easy to miss as much of the important information about the curse is told by a difficult to understand character AND there was a scene that clarified even further that was cut. You have to stay through the credits either way. I'm going to see it soon as it gives me enough of what I'm wanting and may redeem the whole trilogy for me.
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