I never ever want to forget how Abby says "nemennems" (aka M&Ms). I don't remember the first time - it took me a while to realize what the word was because initially she tripped over her tongue so much - initially the only way she could figure out how to say it was to stick out her tongue, hum, say 'nem' and stick out her tongue and hum again... so it was like "blemenblemems."
I never want to forget how much she is talking right now. She was watching Harry Potter downstairs and came up stairs during a scary part to relieve some anxiety by talking about it and reiterating everything,
a:What are those bad guys in the train, the window, the bad mentos - what are they called again?
A: Dementors
a: Remember when they were on the train and at the window and they were trying to hurt Harry Potter, why are they trying to hurt him? What are they trying to do to him?
A: They want to hurt him because they're mean and bad!
a: *nervous giggle* Yup and do you remember when that mean, BIG, dinosaur was trying to get at Harry Potter...with the BIG teeth and the tail, do you remember?!
A: I do!
a: Harry Potter was all right though, he GOT that dinosaur and that dinosaur couldn't hurt him anymore and do you remember that he lives in a castle?
I never want to forget and yet it feels like it slips through my fingers constantly. How she makes deals and affirms my decisions and is so brilliant. She loves to play with dry spaghetti. It's a mess but it's not a messy mess. I wanted her to clean them up and she couldn't resist the urge to break them up whilst picking them up (thereby creating more mess) and I told her if she broke them anymore I would take away her toy. And she said, obviously distressed (but not emotionally distressed - more like logically distressed ) "But, when I'm walking to get them they will break sometimes when I'm walking."
It was just... so true. In order to pick them up she would surely walk on quite a few which would break them and that hardly seemed fair to be penalized for!
How she cuddles and laughs and thinks...
The urge to hold onto right now is just as strong as the desire to watch her go forward.
9 months ago
I think there is a deep, rich, valuable lesson in all of this:
science fiction, fantasy movies are very scarring for children.
perhaps it's this sad lack of whimsy that makes me doubt your devotion ;)
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