(Goes in the "mushy" category)
Yesterday I picked up Abby from her pre-school and I was the first parent in the classroom. As I walked in to find them all working on puzzles. I noticed Abby singing in a sort of rhythm some form of "quack" or "bop" I'm not really sure. But the odd thing... the odd thing was that ALL the kids were doing it - all to some weird song in their heads. It was like in the Breakfast Club when the kids are all whistling. Or... like in The Birds where it's all eerie and calm. It was pretty hilarious. None of them broke the rhythm until more parents came in (usually they start crowding the door to get to their parents).
Today was a very big day. I took Abby to school as normal, but she got to stay til 2 with the 'lunch bunch' (a program where ten kids or so get to stay and eat lunch together). Then we went to Claire's house. Then Abby had her first ever ballet class. Which, though tough to wait through registration, was pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. The parents aren't allowed in the room but we have to stay near the patio and can watch thru the screen doors.
Oh my... hard to describe how sweet it was - but there was Abby following all the instructions. She did have difficulty at first because everyone has to find a green dot on the floor to keep as their position and Abby thought she needed to keep both feet on the dot (it's about an inch diameter) at all times.
But it was great to see her laughing and dancing... it was just great.
9 months ago
Nor too mushy for me....
oh, so sweet!
--Jen Gray (can't get it to register me as anything other than just "Jennifer" and not sure if you have any other Jennifers/Jens watching etc here, so thought I'd just sign it this way. Am I a dork or what?)
I think you're the only Jen... Well - Purses has the address but she doesn't comment...
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