Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring Bloom, Spring Ears, Spring Break

Spring is here and it's a great time at the pre-school. Abby made a carrot as tall as herself. She decorated a basket and put soil and seeds and water together and grew grass in it. They decorated REAL eggs. Here are her bunny ears...

Along with spring has come a resurgence in pretend play. Yesterday all the characters from Handy Manny were misbehaving and Abby had to sort them all out gently.

We walked around using a broken phone to call all the Princesses who, we were all very relieved to confirm all like treats and toys just like Abby.

She also ordered Poppa to come and get her and reassured Gramma that Abby would come to her later tonight.

With all this blooming excitement sometimes a girl just needs to take her Cheeze-its, her dry soup and her water and just get away from it all with a good friend. Or crawl under the desk with the cranky cat and a bunch of dangerous looking wires... whatever works.


Dave said...

Cheez-its, dry soup and water is my favorite of your specialties.

Ada said...

Hey - I can't take credit - it was all Abby.