Had a breakthrough tonight with my outline for the book. This is huge for me. I can write a hundred thousand words no problem. Have done so in the fanfiction world for years. It was trying to create a storyline - one cohesive interesting complete storyline that I didn't believe I could do.
But despite all odds, I have finally stuck little color coded index cards to a big piece of paper. This is huge. I can basically... basically just write it now. There are a few fuzzy subplots, but they'll focus on their own as I write them.
Still feel a bit embarrassed if anyone thinks I think it's something that would sell. But am basically happy in doing it now to make it something I would buy. My crazy forays into fanfiction have, if nothing else, prepared me and even inspired me to write a story the way I want it for myself and really mean it. And I'm so very into the story that that is a realistic desire for me to have... I want to write it so it's OUT of my head and I can read it.
3 posts for April Fool's. Must just be happy I'm through with March!
9 months ago
..good to hear...it is going to be a very good book...
I thought I responded on this before, but apparently blogger ate my comment. That's really exciting! If you're looking for future beta readers, I'm happy to volunteer :)
And what makes you think that it *won't* sell? Don't discount yourself that way. This is how all great authors get their start!
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