Friday, August 15, 2008

What The....

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - the movie I have been waiting for since the BOOK came out... wait... no... since I read the FIRST book... (because we all knew it was coming now didn't we?)... has been pushed back opening from November to JULY ...

NOT cool WB... NOT cool.

I wonder if they are afraid of Twilight the movie.... which I will be camping out with a bunch of pre-teen squeeling girls to see at midnight in December.


megan said...

Sad. I didn't know the release date was pushed back.

Lori said...

Yeah, I was really bummed out about that, too. I read one article that said since The Dark Knight did so well and totally outperformed expectations, WB no longer needs HP's money this year. But they *do* desperately need it next year, due to the impact of the strike. That makes a lot of sense, even though I hate having to wait 8 more months to see HP6.

diane said...

Oh! Thats reasonable. I was hoping they might use the time to fix Dumbledore's over the top anxst this time around...I am very bitter (when so much of the casting is so perfect) that I have to endure a humorless Dumbledore.

Lori said...

I agree, Diane - I really don't like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. He doesn't have the twinkle in his eye at all and has always seemed way too uptight and harsh to me. I read a comment from him a while back about how he hadn't read any of the books, and I'm thinking that's a big part of the problem. The books do such a better job of fleshing out the characters than the movies, and I have to think he'd be playing the role in a more empathetic way had he read them.

I sure wish they had been able to talk Ian McKellen into the role, although I could understand why he wouldn't want to portray another long-haired, bearded, robe-wearing wizard. Still, he would have made an awesome Dumbledore.