Monday, August 25, 2008

When the Cat's Away...

the wife will wreck the car.

So Steve's in Alaska (no one tell the ax murderers) and I was a little over-eager trying to get into the driveway last night - and there was some damage. The tire had three gouges (which the guy at the tire store assured me were cosmetic and wasn't worried about it) and the thingee under the front is sort of hanging a tad.

He called this morning, on the ship - everything's going well...

Here, Jack is eating oatmeal and sleeping thru the night. Getting his front teeth. Abby cries in the morning when Daddy isn't back.

I have high hopes for the week all the same. And, sad though Abby's sadness is - I think it's ultra sweet too.


Creative Mama said...

Glad to see and hear your back in action... !!!

and getting sleep... hooray for sleep!

Jen Gray said...

Oh no, sorry about the car. That always sucks.

Also, so jealous about Jack sleeping through the night. Anna is STILL back to waking once. Argh.

Chef Ed said...

steve is in alaska?! why doesn't anyone tell me these things? maybe everyone figures i already know.

...glad the car thing was only cosmetic. I've promptly popped tires twice that way. I hate it when those curbs jump out in middle of your path!