Do not go near my house. It is slowly sinking into the depths of complete insane sloth.
This wonderful thing happened when Abby got sick last week. She finally connected with her room. She plays in her room, has a lovely time - its great and hilarious to listen to as she plays and plays and plays.
However... she has completely emptied every single compartment and niche onto the floor, bed, chair and... did I mention floor already? She's also broken her dresser drawers standing in them - climbing them you see to get something she's never cared about before.
Would she be willing to clean it up? Sure... have I had the time or energy to devote to getting her to do so? Nope.
I guess nothign else is that much worse... it just feels like its the last thing... the house will surely now fall into a pit where slovenly houses live.
9 months ago
Rachel empties her toy bins like that pretty much on a daily basis. That is, if we've cleaned up at the end of the day from the last time she's done that. Her room is truly a disaster area. I'm tempted to just toss bunches of toys and stuffed animals to preserve a semblance of order in there, but she really does play with almost everything on a fairly regular basis. Still, during James' vacation in September, we will be doing a stuffed animal purge so that the ones she has will actually fit into the amount of room available to them. And maybe we'll get a toy box for some of the other bulkier items, so that we're not constantly climbing over stuff to get from point A to point B in her room.
Yeah, don't know how she does it, but she manages to play with EVERYTHING. I really wish I could mount a camera in the corner of the room and do one of those "Trading Spaces" fast-videos to watch it go from clean to war zone.
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