The wedding was not until 3 on Saturday so we actually got to do quite a bit before getting ready.
We gathered at the valet station to wait for our car (and my wallet). Abby and Caiah watched the train go by.
We had a full family breakfast in Coronado (in an attempt to spend some time with Noni who was busy partying). Noni and Auntie got there in time for a bite of food and some good hang out time outside the place.
Abby and I and Micaiah and my mom went shopping for shells.
I walked to Longs to get panty hose. Steve and Abby and Samantha and David went to the pool (I have never seen a less family, more "check everyone out" pool in my life, but it was nice all the same).
Finally it was time to get ready. My mom got the kids ready and took these pictures:
The wedding was very nice. Personal vows went well, somehow they skipped the exchange of rings, but they got it done afterwards. Everyone was beautiful. Champagne was served before. Blue martinis were served after.
From then on it was party party party. It ended up the ideal wedding from my standpoint. Since the party was going on forever, and we were staying in the same hotel as the event I went upstairs two or three times to sit with Jack, to get a few things I'd forgotten for my mom in my room, to rest my feet and just generally take a break. We brought Abby and Jack down for family pictures and then back up.

I always love an opportunity for MORE pictures.

1 comment:
did I miss the part where they FORGOT to exchange rings... WHICH brings irony to your title?
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