There was laughing... there was also starving.
I got tickets to Eddie Izzard's new show "Stripped." Last time I got us tickets I gave birth to Abby three days previous and Dave Cunningham ended up being Steve's date instead.
Oddly enough I think they went on Micaiah's future birthday. Which is mentionable because when Sarah found out we were going (Zoozy & Grandpa were kind enough to babysit) she went on a flurry search for tickets the very day of the event! She's insanely crafty this one:
SO Sarah surprised Tim and we all went off in the same car. Steve's super cool route to LA worked until the last three miles where we crawled and crawled down the freeway and street.
We literally RAN into the theatre to our seats - bypassing the tempting bar (we hadn't eaten since Steve was working until the very last minute) and got there only a few minutes late.
Of course, no one told us that these crazy things don't start til 25 minutes passed. As each late minute tacked onto the last I regretted the bar ignoring more and more.
Eddie was great. I laughed hard. He was also a teency bit disappointing in the sense that there was a lot of dancing around when I just wanted him to commit to a bit. Oh well... when you get a standing ovation when you START your show, I suppose you can dance around all you want.
You suck. I mean that in the best possible way, of course, and purely out of jealousy. Eddie came to Seattle in July, but by the time I realized he was coming, the only tickets left were $150 a pop and we couldn't afford that. Plus Ben still doesn't want to take a bottle, and we didn't think it would really be appropriate to take a 2-month-old to Eddie Izzard's show, particularly when we couldn't guarantee his quietness. Oh, well. Hopefully he'll be around again in a year or two (or three or four) and we can go then. Just tell me it wasn't a "farewell tour."
ha. ironic as the only reason i knew he was coming was because of your hubby's blog!
Well, at least *someone* benefited from our discovery!
Bryan is going to be SO jealous when he hears about this! He LOVES Eddie Izzard.
That's funny. I always think of you whenever I hear his name.
wasn't it Hines not cunningham... maybe I'm wrong... AND YES it was M's future bday... how funny is that...
Nope, it was Cunningham. This I remember because Steve insisted on calling me Ada and resting his hand on my thigh all evening.
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