Monday, January 14, 2008


put away ornaments, trees, stockings, stocking holders, lights, boxes, nativity
put all abby's stuff in abby's room
sterilized bottles/thingees
paid bills
put load of laundry in
took all dishes from downstairs upstairs
put bills in paperwork storage
sort thru piano clutter
nursed Jack
scheduled two playdates for Abby
cleared downstairs of most mess and Julia sized dangers
spent good time with Shannon
enjoyed (really really) Wesley and Julia and Abby's playtime
learned moby's hug hold
tested/used new wrap my mom made
activated my atm card
found my credit card
been thoroughly tested by Abby on my stance of 'stop asking after I've said no'
took Abby to her room twice

still planned to do:
put laundry into dryer, put more in (dang washer didn't finish washing - no gloating mom!)
sort clean laundry (ha... maybe in 2009)
take out trash (check)
pilates (check)


diane said...

Obviously you got off your butt....

Ada said...

my mom said "butt" tee hee

Juliana Shain said...

You can use any of my services, if it'll make your life easier.

And I take cookie payments.

Creative Mama said...

LOVE you Ada... you really worked it yesterday!