Is the primary reason to judge not lest ye be judged that exact fear? Feeling worse in whatever situation that might be judge-worthy because you have been in the judging shoes and shouldn't have been and now you're looking at your own judger thinking, 'tsk, tsk, judge not...'
Yup, I've become one of those moms...
Who cart more than one kid around looking like they are one hair away from losing "it." It's that second part that I had trouble judging... it all looked too frazzling, too hectic... when I did it I wanted to be ready, poised, serene...
Having one kid is a juggling act... it's just true. Having more than one? A super special nuclear circus juggling act? (and this is coming from a mom who's second is only awake 5 hours out of the day... well awake and not nursing)
Seriously though, it is important to me, really important to me that, though it will always be a juggling act, that I deal with it with as much humor and calm (more of the first than the latter in reality) and as little anxiety and frustration as possible. Because it's just the way it is... GENERALLY planning will help. And if it doesn't? Then it's not the end of the world and it's just one of those times that "we" all have to get passed and won't remember in two days.
I think the journey to 'one of those' starts with getting out of the house.
Wednesday I met Maggie for a little playdate for Jack and Gus (which consisted of placing their strollers next to each other)... yes I actually got out of the house. And it was nice. Good even... not that I'd make a habit of this going out of the house thing - let's not be ridiculous people.
I picked Abby up from Lunch Bunch, got her lunch while Jack screamed, nursed Jack in the car while Abby ate and roamed the car turning off the "music things" which are actually the vents, got Abby dressed and hair up in a bun while Jack screamed in the ballet dressing room (the ballet studio likes quiet by the way), grabbed some discarded ballet shoes from the discarded ballet shoes basket since the ones that were in the blue bag were her old small ones, and only totally lost it once - in the ballet dressing room, trying to get Abby's hair done while time ticked away, Jack cried, Abby stared at herself in the mirror turning her head this way and that just for the fun of it, and people waited to use the room. Somehow I don't think I psychologically damaged Abby too much with my silent use of an expletive as I pleaded with God to please just help me get her hair up so I can pick up the baby and get out of this room. Kids are resilient that way.
God is too, when I think about it.
Jack slept the rest of the class, we got home, I made dinner!, pumped and watched with hope as Steve gave Jack his first bottle without complication... and then I handed the boy off to Steve and went to sleep. I did stretch before since I had started to hunch over like a 90 year old with bone problems.
7 months ago
Wow! I wonder if you won't remember this part...I can't remember any two children anxieties. I know I must of had them, because you were not a patient baby...I mostly remember being sooo tired. Obviously I have blocked the trauma from my conscious memory OR (imagine a bright perky look here) I was a perfect mother. Naaaaaa.
The wonderful thing about you blogging about this is your honesty. The terrible thing about you blogging about this is your honesty (I may never have a second child if I keep reading honest stuff like that ha ha ha). =)
Holy sh*t, I'm never having one of those offspring things... I'm going to assign my wife to Burnt Fudge review. I clearly am too selfish and absorbed in my own pathological journey through life to handle 2 children. And since my wife apparently will become a full time human raiser and will need a break here and there (where I have to raise the humans for a few hours a day) I cannot cope. I will adopt 18 year olds. I will start talking my wife into that tonight.
good luck dear husband;)
You all know whats sad, right?
I'm sugar-coating it.
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