Friday, June 29, 2007


They are going to reshoot the 'reveal' of the show which is great in many ways. Mainly because Abby won't have a bloody nose and a fat lip! Also because it gives me the opportunity to redeem myself for choosing the PILLOWS as my favorite thing in the play house (it's where my eyes went first!!)

What stresses me out is:
The flowers are dying already because we are either drowning them or the ground just can't support them.
The floor is pretty dirty in there.
Uh... that's all.



Another possible indication that Abby is an extrovert (or is this just obvious to everyone but me):

We went to a different mall and played in their play area and it just struck me; Abby ran into the middle of child chaos and you could just see the joy in her face, her hands tensed and ready to clap with happiness. It was totally a situation which would have made me want to retreat, but Abby just thrived in it.


Why is Hazel the only degenerate friend of mine to tell me how cool my birthdate is going to be this year?

I wonder if any gamblers are going to kidnap me to use me as a good luck charm.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hat Pictures Redux

I just love the hats... I should mention she had just had a blue popsicle - her teeth don't normally have a blue tint.

First Visitors

The first highly lucky visitors to Abby's house: Daddy & Aunt Samantha for Sunday brunch

Wesley and Julia

(Gramma not pictured)

Letters and Songs

Abby dictates letters to me now, insists I write them down for her.

They usually go something like this:

Dear Mommy,
Please give me treats and candy all the time.
Love, Abby.

Abby is also quite the song writer. The newest lyrics go something like this:

Abby on a mountain
with treats and candy
and juice and soup
in a bag!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Abby's New House

Well, we asked for it. Abby has her own house. She likes to wake up early (and therefore wake us up early) to go out to her house and play. She invites me in or says that I need to go back in the house depending on her mood. These pictures are from the first morning after the house was finished (note she is still in her pjs).

Today she informed me she wanted her soup and her juice in her house and suggested I go to the grocery store alone because she had her own house so it was okay for me to go. Of course, when she is in there I hear her hollering now and then because "There's a bee in my house!!!!" or "Now I want cereal!"

It only took a day and a half for the swelling of her lip to go down and she just looks a little scraped up now.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Before and After

And of course imagine grass in there as well for someday.

So... Guess what happened this morning? Abby woke me up ready to go play in her house, so off we went in our PJs.

What I am so impressed with is how many of these things are so perfectly age appropriate. I had no idea she'd be interested in a pulley system or a little communication device from the observation deck down.

It really is a special thing to have. Even if there is no grass ;)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hammerheads Day Four

Not the best of pictures, but there were complications with my time today. It'll look amazing in a nice picture - don't forget to note the spanish tiles and little pipes at the top that mimic our actual house. How cool is that?

Nothing at all to do with Hammerheads, but I can't talk about it right now. Hard day for an emotionally unstable pregnant woman. Abby fell face first into a stepping stone and busted her lip.

The show people were great though.

Abby is amazing. And I love her with a painful intensity.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hammerheads Day Three

Whelp, moving right along here. Another filming day which slows things down. On the other hand, it gives Abby a great outlet for being cute. Today she did a lot of painting on film which I know they liked. She also gave them a little window into what it's like to be around a child that knows their own mind.

They got two slides to test out and were only planning on using one. I'm not sure why but the host was really hilariously trying to get Abby to pick this one slide over the other. However, Abby had made up her mind and she chose the opposite. So the host decides to give her both and get rid of the fireman's pole (which she wouldn't have used anyway) but he wants her to say on camera that she wants both or she doesn't want to decide. However, she didn't know "both" was on the table so whenever he'd say, "Well, guys it looks like Abby is having trouble deciding..." Abby would pipe up and say, "No, I want this one."

It was pretty hilarious. They will cut it so that she does seem indecisive but it was hilarious to be there.

So, we are really starting to be able to see what its going to look like. They have real tiles for the awning type thing, shutters that will match our windows (the same as our trim color), the suspension bridge is up and the railings are going in for protecting the kids...

The inside has a loft type area and a wall of blackboard paint and they have all sorts of little things like pillows to decorate it nice for the reveal...

It is 9:30pm and they just left. We should have the reveal tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

World's most useless Premonition

Sunday night I dreamed I found a flea on my leg.

Today I found a flea on my leg.

I have been worrying that it's being Summer time and all and everyone with doors open and disturbing the yard and tromping dirt etc through the house that we were going to have a problem.

I'm just praying praying praying that our Terminex membership is going to pay off here because I really just might lose it if we have to go through the same flea horror that we did last year.

Hammerheads Day Two

Since you asked, Hammerheads is a new show for HGTV so you will not have seen it yet. If you are an HGTV junkie you may recognize our host Steve Hanneman from Design to Sell and... Weekend Fix or something like that?

Today a good amount of time was spent by the carpenter's at perfecting the leveling of the foundation and the measurements. To their detriment really - they were here til 8pm trying to knock the slide landing out and get the suspension bridge sorted.

Since we weren't really expected to work today Steve and Abby just spent a few hours priming the walls. Abby had a nice long adventure to the Farm where she rode around on Janie the Mule! MarySue apparently has pictures but I don't have them in my hot little hands.

So even though I only had to oversee the munchkin for a few hours today - well... 5... any amount of time trying to manage a four year old in a construction site is exhausting fyi. I don't want to be too crazy strict or else she'll take it out on the project plus they want her to be comfortable enough with the people and the project that they can get her doing funny things on film. Not to mention by tonight she was just plain exhausted.

As am I. They do keep mentioning the sod but still not in a 'we're going to do it' way as much as a 'we wish it wasn't an issue' way.

Back to the project - they worked very very hard today and there were no cameras to document it. They want this series to work obviously which is nice really because they are very invested therefore in the work they are doing for us.

It doesn't look like much yet, but I think it will be really really nice.

Coconut Anyone?

In case you have Abby without a translator present Coconut=Coca Cola

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hammerheads Day One

Okay, well, not much to say. Everything is going well. Everyone is nice and extremely kind with Abby and about Abby. Things started off slow because they wanted to get a shot with Abby and there was noise and everyone was waiting and blah blah, but once they let go of some of that, she loosened up immediately. The only issue really was her wanting to play with everyone and getting in the way and all that sort of thing. BUT tomorrow she'll have an adventure with MarySue and Thursday we'll have some issues again, but we'll see if we can prepare better now that we know what it will be like. Abby really was very patient and eventually set up her own private screening area through one of the windows.

SO they were eager to demolish the old structure. It seemed to go really fast, especially getting it to near skeletal condition.
They did some shots where the host's leg goes through the second story floor which was funny. They were also well aware of how and where it would go down so that was nice not to have to worry about that.

By lunch they were working with a clean slate.

They were fascinated with our next door neighbor's underground pool and took a tour right after lunch.

The rest was really just for the show - they may redo some of the stuff they did at the very end just to get it a little more perfect tomorrow. By stuff I mean construction not shots.

Abby was very interested in talking to the host just exactly the way everyone wanted her to, but they didn't really have things prepared for her - so by the time they realized she was talking to him animatedly it was almost too late, by the time they got the camera and sound there it was way too late. BUT finally one of the sound guys had the idea to put a mic in her teddy bear and have the shot all ready when we brought Abby into it and they got what they wanted... EXCEPT for Abby saying "Hammerheads" This ended up being the day's project (Abby knew we wanted her to say it but didn't quite trust WHY) until finally one of the carpenter's had her say it as part of a "Knock, Knock" joke.

It was lucky it was NOT Father's Day though as any time they tried to cajole her into saying something involving daddy she would say, "Daddy's not very good at building." Which was odd really because I never say that sort of thing!!!

So I think for the show the day ended really well. For us it was great too... I'm tired and I did practically nothing!

Tomorrow is a work day only (no cameras) and then Thursday we go again.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

It's Important not to hit people with strollers

So we're having this issue where Abby accidentally hits one of us or throws something when we're not paying attention or falls on us or something like that and a good part of the time she really cutely says, "Oops, my fault, I'm sorry about that, that was my fault."

The other part of the time - I think when our reactions are stronger she says it wasn't her - the floor came up and slapped him or a similar sort of thing. I don't think it's a lie to get out of punishment, I think it's a lie because she feels so guilty and doesn't want us or herself to believe that she did it... scared of judgment?? I don't know. But I'm afraid other people will take it as a plain old nasty lie and so I obviously would like to curb her away from doing it.

Anyway, she gets irrationally upset (as if we are calling her a liar - which we aren't) when we tell her that, no, we saw her and it's okay but she did it.

The only idea I've had so far is to point out whenever I accidentally do something that "See, Mommy didn't mean to spill that on the floor, but I did, oh well, I'll clean it up." OR like when we were getting in the car with a stroller I couldn't figure out how to fold up so I tried to fit it in the back with Abby but when I closed the door on it it jammed into Abby's leg... So right then I told her how awfully awfully sorry I was and that it was my fault and I didn't mean to do it and I'm so sorry that I did.

SO we're on the way home from somewhere today and Abby rips a page in a book that we told her to be careful of and she says she didn't do it - it was just a pretend rip. And we started in on the whole taking responsibility even if it's an accident and it's okay blah blah blah. So this is how it went:

Me: Like remember when I accidentally hit you with the stroller? I didn't mean to do that, but I did, and I was really sorry and I told you that.
Abby: Yeah, you hit me with the stroller.
Me: I know, and I'm so sorry I did that. Did I say I was sorry?
Abby:Yeah. You shouldn't hit people with strollers.
Me: I know, it was an accident, I won't do it again.
Steve: So, Abby, you see? It's okay if you do something wrong, you just have to tell the truth about it. It's very important. Right?
Abby: Yeah, it's really important not to hit people with strollers.
Steve: Yes, but what else is important?
Abby: It hurt my knee.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Daughter, the Pirate

So, here I was, minding my own business upstairs while I listened to Abby happily singing along with Little Einsteins downstairs. She comes upstairs, very excited and says I have to come downstairs. I do.

She is brimming with pride as she shows me what she's done: create pirate lions (lines) for a map to a treasure!

D'oh, one problem. She did it on the rug... in permanent marker. Yeah!

I have now medicated myself with half a pouch of Grape flavored Big League Chew I found abandoned in the cupboard and made myself muffins.

Steve will be proud to see that she actually tagged the map. There is a nice "A" and "B" and a "Y" not pictured here. She did the whole 8'x10' rug. It was quite a map. Some days I just wish I liked alcohol.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

If Men Only Knew

As many of you know, Steve is not exactly ... hmm... known for his soft side. Not that he doesn't have one! But, it comes out pretty rarely.

Anyway he filmed a wedding a couple weekends ago and we were talking about it and he mentioned something like, "I can't do weddings anymore." I expected him to continue with how fake they can be or how mundane or how repetitive. But instead, "I can't see the father daughter dance without thinking of Abby and how that would be. And I'm not ready to share her yet."

He may know that that turns me to sentimental goo, but he sure doesn't use it to his advantage much!

3 Under-Used Romantic Gestures:

1. cleaning the kitchen with a good attitude
2. loving the kids/giggling with kids/taking kids on adventure so mom can veg
3. discussing a completely girly topic

Steve actually does do all three in spades, but he doesn't yet recognize their power.

.....................................................................................................................(Abby trying to climb up and over Daddy as he threatens to dunk her)................................................................................................

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Obviously they must beat him...

He just looks so miserable, doesn't he?

Oprah and Prejudice Test/Bias Test

So, if y'all watched Oprah today you will have heard of this. Basically it's a test to gauge what your initial knee-jerk bias is between African American and European American ethnicities. This has more to do with culture than you personally so don't get stressed out if you get a moderate bias.

The guy who helped develop the test (who is half black) got a 'moderate bias toward European American people' as do many people of many cultures because we generally live in a media world that is moderately biased at best, at least in representation. Therefore, whether we intend to or not, we develop certain associations and this test is supposed to measure that.

Anyway, I'm starting to treat this test like a computer game and have gotten two results of moderately biased toward EA, two slightly biased toward EA, two little to no bias either way, a slight bias toward AA, and just now a moderate bias toward AA (without intentionally messing with the answers obviously)

I do not think this shows the test is faulty, I think it shows I'm quite good at turning it into a computer game. After doing the test twice I thought - this is just total bunk because it disorients how you've trained your fingers to answer the questions two times and so it seems possible that I got a stronger result just because my fingers reacted faster than my brain.

But then, as I repeated and repeated the test I did notice my brain wanting to classify the pictures in a slight biased way. It was interesting.

Then again, the same thing happened this last time when I turned out quite prejudiced against white people.... I had a hard time classifying the good words with the white people. So... maybe it's all bunk anyway.

I haven't decided. But it's interesting all the same. There is a gender one too I'd be fascinated to take but it's off line at the moment.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Actually, it was so so Amazing...

Abby's first ballet was, as the title suggests, quite fantastic (the title of this blog is Abby's response to Gramma when Gramma said the recital was entertaining). I could not fit the photographic journaling of this event in a blog so you all will be receiving a snapfish album shortly.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Leaping Lizard!

That is my new name for the baby in my belly. During the last ultrasound first thing baby did was a somersault. Then proceeded to have quite a grand time moving all over the place.

Today we saw the new OB that I fought getting tooth and nail (with many tears). Not that I adored my normal OB so very much, but I knew what to expect and that is important to me (abnormally so).

Anyway, new fantastic. He's great. He's phenomenal. I love him.

We did have a little blip in the appointment when two nurses couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler - so we got an automatic ultrasound which was fun since Steve wasn't there for the leaping lizard one. But nope, there was baby, heartbeat just fine... personally I think baby was sleeping and didn't want to be disturbed via doppler.

Sooooo... that's the haps. Next ultrasound in two months should tell us boy or girl (that's August for those of you counting).