I blame my name.
Take placing a take-out order for example.
I usually use an alias which in itself is a complicated complication. Do I use "Ada"? Its not much easier than Adrea but a least it's easier for people to hear an quicker to spell. Do I use some easy nom de plume that all my friends and family have understood tha I use ( in case they are picking it up or in case its a reservation they need to find)? If so what name? What name IS easy to understand no matter how noisy the background noise?
I used to just say it was under Steve, but that threw off people thinking since I, the caller, was female then the name must also be so they would make up girl versions of the name.
Think I'm just making it too complicated? That I should just use my own name? (I *know* none of you made the mistake of thinking "Scheidler" would work as an alternative) My own name is so foreign o most people that you can't just trust that it will be misunderstood as "Andrea" - nope - Audry, Aubrey, Adrian, a version involving a V I never quite caught.
So do I just call back to Andrea? huh? Do I?
8 months ago
I think you should just use Jennifer. Nobody screws that one up (well, I have had many variations in spelling, but the gist is still the same). As a Jennifer myself I grant you permission.
ooo - good idea
How about just going with something completely different, like Margaret? Or Alice? Or Betty? (It sounds like I'm naming waitresses at a country diner.) Although it's true that Jennifer is hard for people to misunderstand and screw up very much.
I don't have a good answer. I just usually make a game out of it. Being DanThanh...and then having it shortened to DT later in life has not simplified things at all. Most of the time I wing it and hope I remember what my name of the day is... Jackie? Elaine? Linda? Ah yes, Dolores...that's the one.
Oh dear. It looks like it all originates with parents again. DT wins the prize though (for here anyway). I'd like to hear what they could make of DanThanh...
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