The baby who shall not yet be named has gotten to the solid & indignant phase of pregnancy... well... growth for him.
He is thoroughly offended when I slouch or in any other way shrink his already shrinking living space. I have told him that the space is growing JUST fine and that he is the one exceeding the space, but that doesn't seem to matter. I let my posture crumble or God-forbid bend weirdly to retrieve a toy for Jack and I can count on indignant little legs pushing back. Or knees or toes or whatever is asserting nameless's right to space.
He is also hilariously solid. I'll be resting on my side with my arm along my side/side of my belly and will feel a real true solid baby roll across. That is what shocked me the most after having Abby - the realization (obvious though it is) that this baby wasn't sort of a goo who suddenly became solid at birth - but all those little bones and fingernails and muscles were all formed IN me and it was a baby not some ephemeral transitional fish that was doing all that moving in me.
Since he who has not been named isn't nearly as active in utero as Jack I find these rolling movements disconcerting - like I'm sitting in a boat on a lake and the Loch Ness Monster suddenly surges underneath the water. There's just this pause I do, it's all so surreal - even the third time.
8 months ago
One of my most cherished memories of being pregnant. Surreal and impossible.
that was what Caiah was like. maybe you'll have a busy caiah... and he'll be really easy going!?!?!? that'd be sweet. :)
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