I can't decide if I love or hate this picture as my smile is weird. That was our date night. We went to Longhi's and ate a LOT. It was very nice. Abby, shockingly enough, didn't miss us at all, Jack was not pleased because prego Sarah dared to NOT hold his hefty self the ENTIRE time he slept. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I think this was Friday night, our usual date night!
On the plane ride there, at first Abby was ok, she was having a nice time reading the magazines provided, listening to the movie. Then we got her a Coke. She was super giddy -not hyper, just psychotically giddy. She kept putting just a smidge of Coke in her glass at a time "so it will last longer." Then she switched seats to be next to Samantha and they sat together lip syncing to the movie Dreamgirls...
Jack fell asleep as soon as the motors turned on. He didn't sleep a ton - 2 out of the 5 hours, but was mostly perfectly happy and content, if a little restless.
It was just such a relief that the plane ride was over, Marysue and David met us at baggage claim and all the tons of carryon stuff everyone had was conveniently taken away to the cars while we waited for the big bags. Nothing was lost and we all headed to McDonald's for a quick snack before buying two tons worth of food for the week at Costco and off into the traffic to our condos.
We saw Whales just swimming along in the ocean along the side of the road on our way there. I felt jet lagged already and the power was out at the condo (the non-Costco group had gone on ahead).
There was something disconcerting about not having power when we got there simply becuase we wanted to settle and there wasn't quite enough light to do that...or there was plenty but - I think I have this weird sight thing since without my contacts I'm blind, I get very uncomfortable when I can't see clearly. It's like I want to go wash my contacts out and try again, it irritates me.
BUT we had a lovely dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise (I had a guac cheeseburger) and I had some time with Jack when he was done. He ate some of a pickle, some of a lemon, some fries, and the cherry from my drink.
And by the time we were back to the condo the lights were blessedly back on, the kids were basically asleep already and all that needed to be done from there was open the doors so we could hear the surf while we slept. We got the cool room - I had wanted the room across from the kids anyway since Abby still has some nighttime issues, but didn't know that would be the cool room. We were going to switch with Sarah & Tim midway but it just never happened - it would have been difficult at that point anyway to make sure the kids understood etc anyway. SO apologies for that Sarah & Tim, we appreciated the room very much.
7 months ago
what fun we had!!!
What a pleasure to hear!
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