Saturday, February 07, 2009

200 Photos...

I currently have at the very least 200 photos of Abby on the beach outside our condo.  Why? No, not just because I am a sucker for pictures, my daughter, and the beach.  Because when I have taken her (everyday we've been here) she retreats (hardly the right word... blossoms into?) her own world as soon as we get there and she sings Momma Mia songs NON-STOP, singing, posing, splashing, loving life.

It's been one of my absolute favorite things so far.

By the way, she told me yesterday that if she was me, she would have married someone who lived in Hawaii so that we could live in Hawaii.


Juliana Shain said...

Well, where the heck are they? None of this wait 'til you come back stuff.

Ada said...

the problem is most of my pictures are in raw format and I can't convert them all to an uploadable format before I get home... so a lot of them aren't even on the link I sent you.