Thursday, July 27, 2006

On my own...

Ahh, got it. This is my number one favorite all time Wesley/Abby picture which DC doesn't have on HIS blog, so I decided someone has to represent.

I think this is the last picture that Steve and I have taken together that I have liked. This is depressing. It has nothing to do with our actual selves - it just seems that Steve's paranoia/ genetic flaw of freezing up whenever someone other than me aims a camera in his direction is taken on along with his last name in marriage. Which, I'll point out hasn't been a piece of cake - the name I mean. The marriage has been on par with burnt fudge.... that will be my next post. An explanation of burnt fudge and its importance in my life.


Dave said...

So now that you have your own blog, do have to stop hijacking all your snapfish photos onto my own blog? Man, this is really gonna be inconvenient for me...

Ada said...

Well... I can be bought. Especially if you figure out how to burn fudge.